These Words are here to assist you or confuse you in your .
efforts to compose a short story. These words must be used entirely within your own story. This is not an original Idea but evolves from other frequently visited blogs from which I find Interesting. VEST.
My story will be told on Wednesday. Vest Daily gaggle. Here we go.
Being alone was dead easy or (Easier), I had long ago discovered, if you become two people, the actor and the observer. The (Actor) was always the same,The actor played many parts; a King, Sailor, or an officer in the French foreign legion for instance Or maybe a English detective in London's Baker street or a gunner on Lord Nelsons Flagship popping a cannon (Ball) down the barrel of a hot cannon.
"There he goes", I was able to say about myself, even in the deeply (Unhappy) days at that wretched boarding school when I ran around a (Frozen) football field, keeping as far as possible from the (Ball), or cantering across the desert sands on a camel leading my (Platoon of of ex robbers and murderers and at least one British (Duke) disappointed in love, in a charge against a dissident Arab Sheik and his army of sabre wielding followers in that not too famous battle of Sidi Ding Dong, where Arabs illegally 'Bricked' their camels at the water trough near the date palm oasis. When I eventually stopped dreaming, my character became more sophisticated, I then came more under the influence of blogging and discovering reality and that I was not the only person in this world who was a complete delusional.
Sorry Gotta go, My shrink is at the door.
Vest ...Back soon.
I've always found it EASIER to be a spectator rather than an ACTOR. Particularly with BALL sports; who wants to run around getting all hot and sweaty when instead they can sit in the shade sipping at semi-FROZEN drinks, reading fantasy stories about UNHAPPY DUKES who ventured too close when trying to see if "Army" ants marched in PLATOONS or just marched.
After last night's harange with you over "Facebook' You have confirmed my statement I made to you as correct, that F B is a quick way of replying for some people who are not endowed with sufficient grey matter to be able to provide a intelligent response other than 'Like' or 'Not like'. Daddy.
NB. Chris lives downstairs, No 1 Son.
The easier frozen 'Duke Ball platoon Actor' is Unhappy.