Hang them High and Lower Costs
So many businesses going off shore, people complaining about job losses, the catalyst being the result of high wages and high demand for items the hoipoloi cannot afford, theft and drugs meaning higher insurance premiums more coppers on the beat, and to clean up the mess and hide the problem by incarcerating our crims we need prison officers and blood sucking lawyers to add to the general cost of living, there are other factors which unnecessarily jack up our outgoings but those mentioned can serve the purpose for the moment and here is one job export which would clean up the place.and send a few ambulance chasers broke unless they moved off shore to chase the lower paid jobs, (in this case defence lawyers in Singapore and Malaysia with sod all hope of winning drug related cases My suggestion is that, the Australian Govt reach a bipartisan agreement with the Singaporean Or Malaysian Govt or both and have all drug related offences from Australia proven in Australian lower courts t