Food scraps (Leftovers) to be banned from House hold Garbage collections
Food scraps (Leftovers) to be banned from House hold Garbage collections. Most councils within NSW Australia have adequate systems for waste removal from households and businesses. The main problem is abuse of the system by uncaring persons with an out of sight out of mind mentality. The head line on page 5 in my favourite daily newspaper (Delivered daily to my door) Thurs Dec 23 2010, reads. Ban on bin food scraps: It goes on to say,. Food could be banned from household rubbish bins or residents might be charged extra to remove it under proposals to deal with the state's growing mountains of garbage. For full details google Sydney Daily Telegraph for info. For those people who are not already dealing with this problem and wish to deal with the matter of disposing the putrescibles themselves, these few hints may solve your problems as well as helping the environment and if you have a garden; help with cost cutting. Of course it is your choice whatever you do. Items such as