Budgewoi, Central Coast NSW, Australia.
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2013 9:57 AM
Subject: vest@dailygaggle.com has sent you a
Whereis map

A message from vest@dailygaggle.com:
Hi. Take a look at this Whereis Map. This is Where my family live on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia. facing the Pacific Ocean. Could make some people drool with envy., But we love it here. Vest
Link to map: http://www.whereis.com/nsw/budgewoi?id=45CC5432793D30&intref=emailmap ou may have to copy and paste this link on to Google.
Thought you might like to see this…
Budgewoi (2262) is a suburb of Central Coast, Central Coast,
New South Wales. It is about 77 kms from NSW's capital city of Sydney. Budgewoi
is in the federal electorate of Shortland.
In the 2011 Census the population of Budgewoi is 3,254 and is
comprised of 50.7% females and 49.3% males.
The median/average age of the Budgewoi population is 44 years
of age, 7 years above the Australian average.
84.1% of people living in Budgewoi were born in Australia.
The other top responses for country of birth were England 3.5%, New Zealand
1.6%, Scotland 0.8%, Germany 0.5%, Netherlands 0.4%.
92.9% of people speak English as their first language 0.3%
German, 0.3% Hungarian, 0.2% Maori (New Zealand), 0.2% Dutch, 0.2%
The religious make up of Budgewoi is 33% Anglican, 26.5%
Catholic, 19% No Religion, 3.1% Uniting Church, 2.8% Presbyterian and
43.6% of people are married, 30.8% have never married and
12.9% are divorced and 4.6% are separated. There are 219 widowed people living
in Budgewoi.
55% of the people living in Budgewoi are employed full time,
31.2% are working on a part time basis. Budgewoi has an unemployment rate of
The main occupations of people from Budgewoi are Technicians
and Trades Workers 18.8%, Labourers 14.5%, Community and Personal Service
Workers 13%, Professionals 12.8%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 10.9%,
Sales Workers 10.5%, Managers 8.4%, Machinery Operators And Drivers
The median individual income is $439.00 per week and the
median household income is $792.00 per week.
37.2% of homes are fully owned, and 28% are in the process of
being purchased by home loan mortgage. 30.7% of homes are rented.
The median rent in Budgewoi is $225 per week and the median
mortgage repayment is $1649 per month.
Lots of casual day trippers and the like could make up the numbers,
Problem solved.
Its me, Circa 1960 taken when having despatced a sea serpent on Sober Island, Trincomallee, Ceylon,Now(SriLanka) in mistake for a large Eel, Silly me.
Sony have no Idea how to fix this masterpiece of theirs and today have decided to replace it with an updated version. Our new goggle box will arrive within two days, isn't that nice of them,!!
My blog - serwis rekuperator
Were your ancestors involved in World War One?
Lasting over four years and claiming over 9 million service personnel worldwide, the First World War is a conflict that should never be forgotten. Over 70 million military personnel were involved in total (on all sides). Next year sees the hundredth year since the start of the conflict, and plans are already in place across the country to commemorate this occasion.
However, Remembrance Sunday is now about a lot more than World War One, and is also used to remember the men and women involved in all conflicts since. At Forces War Records we have over 4 million records dating from the breakout of the "Great War" up to recent conflicts. These records are transcribed from a number of different sources, and not just the normal rolls of honour. Many institutions such as colleges and banks published lists of those involved in the conflict and we have exclusively transcribed a great many of these. We also transcribe previously untouched sources from the National Archives. and have recently completed the nominal roll of individuals serving in the top secret ‘Home Guard Auxiliary Units’ who were to act as resistance fighters if Britain was ever invaded during WWII.
Search for your ancestor in our records now
Do you want to remember your relatives on our site? We're asking our members to post pictures of their relatives, or local war memorial on our facebook page, and we will then hand pick some to go on a specially produced remembrance gallery on the Forces War Records site.
Visit our facebook page to post your pictures
Kind Regards,
Forces War Records Customer Care.
Bespoke Scrolls & Medals
Forces War Records now supplies bespoke scrolls and replica medals your ancestor would have been awarded.
Our scrolls are printed on the finest parchment paper and give all the details of your ancestor which can be placed in a picture frame and then proudly put up for display next to your ancestors medals.
To purchase a scroll or medal simply visit the record page of your ancestor and click on the scroll link at the foot of the page. Alternatively, you can also purchase medals through our medals page directly accessible from the link in the main menu.
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Tomorrow it will have passed until Anzac day 25-4 when in Australia we will be reminded again about war.
The accumulation of metal things dangling on various colourful strips of haberdashery which adorn my black blazer have not been removed for two or three years? and I am now reluctant to parade with them due to the creaking bones in my aging body not up to rigorous activity. Also remaining in a sober state while all around are using the special day for an excuse to become totally intoxicated is not really my thing.
I am quite frequently reminded of past conflicts, particularly those I became involved with, not just once annually, lest we forget applies to those who become ga ga and lose their marbles. BTW read my profile for Govt issued decor, they are my permanent reminders.
Oh I forgot to say that my Daddy
who served in WW1 sold his medals to provide food for his brood of three during the general strike of 1926 the year I was born, my Daddy died of WW1 related injuries at the age of 39 in 1931.
Oh all right then how about
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