Parenting roles. Also MS Silverspoon's advice, on -"How to become Wealthy".

Undoubtedly the greatest change in western society, has been the role of mothers. Going back to Grandma's time when a child, women having careers was not the norm particularly families below the Middle class. However a revolution in the role of fathers has happened too.
Dads in the past were not expected or encouraged to become involved in the emotional development of their children, they were the primary bread winners and were expected to take on most of the tasks now shared in modern parenting.
Times are changing, most dads nowadays are not the bygone age bullying beer swillers who arrive home  penniless and drunk on pay day - but happy hard working home loving blokes who enjoy the comforts of their homes and family.  Occasionally roles are switched and husbands then need to know how to deal with the wife's role if suddenly he becomes unemployed and Mum has to work out side the home on long periods away from family. Most families are deeply connected nowadays , I know mine is when it seems hardly a day passes when we send birthday greetings worldwide. Yesterday I received my first fathers day card, it was from a lady who was involved with my eldest son years back but still visits us.
On Sunday, Its every body's chance to celebrate not just their own fathers but the continuation of a welcome new era in parenting.
Remember. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.


        MS  Rinehart's advice a bit Rich.
Mining Billionaire Gina Rinehart has said the key to becoming a millionaire is working hard and socialising less.
"If you are jealous of those with more money, don't just sit there and complain, do something to make more money yourselves - spend less time drinking or smoking and socialising and more time working" she says in a paper on The Institute of Public Affairs website...... But  it would seem MS Rinehart's advice  left out the bit about "Daddy being a major cattle station owner and the biggest mining magnate in Australia.
Vest Say's.  Think it more satisfactory to live richly than die rich.
"Happy Fathers Day" To all Good  Fathers.... Vest... Back soon........copy amd Google link below.

Gina Rinehart says to get ahead, Aussies need to socialise less,  and work more. "what do you say?


A happy father's day to you...a lovely post.

My father died nineteen years ago now, but I often think of him...he hated any celebration of any sort, so giving him a card was out of the question!
Chris B said…
Happy Father's Day Dad
Vest said…
Thank you Fly in the web.

Today No 4 Son Andrew with family will travel 500 kms return journey to buy My Wife and I a Fathers Day Lunch.
He is the son who lives on 17 acres with a bus, two business vans, a BMW, a dog plus sheep,goats, fifteen horses, (And Room for a Pony) as in 'Keeping Up Appearances'.They Have A house as well!!!
WALLY. said…
Happy Fathers Day Vesty My Mum sends her love too and these as wellxxxxx.
Lower deck lawyer. said…
Gina Rhinehart is nothing more than a rich gluttonous fat grease burger, never done a days hard yakker ever. A total bludging Asshole. Mike.
Anonymous said…

nice to see you pommies beat the apartheid boys from Suid Afrika.Bunch of rouges if there ever was. dun like that S..t Steyne bowler fast but runs outta steam quick, and remind me of brett the weat bix muncher wiv is bulging veins and eyes when he punches air. that other bunch of cheats them pakis beat the Oz Boys in the blasing heat in arabia. only wogs can take. have a goodun mate.Shane.

Monday, 3 September 2012 1:06:00 PM AEST
Vest said…
Shane: Do I know you from some place?
Vest said…
Today in History.
Septmber 3 , 1939. The start of the 2nd World War. But not if you were American. You were far too busy enjoying life.
Vest said…
Fly ; I should have told you earlier that my father died in Dec 1930.
Gay Boise said…
I agree that hard work is important for success.

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