Rosemary is missing

My wife was last seen at 930 PM last night . it has been a busy night with umpteen police vehicles and a dog unit searching without any luck until 3 Am and there are police all around the  area searching, I am worried stiff and it comes after an unrewarding day to say the least, Up at 630 yesterday  fixed her brekky dressed her  sent her to care 9-15 AM while I took my (U) sample to pathology, i10 AM inspected rental House -no luck,. Came home prepared  lunch and dinner, !-30 PM went to shops  Lotto, banking, post office and the Dentist for 40 mins, we had dinner at 4 PM I then went to the dentist to collect dentures at 4-50 PM and on returning to the car  I gashed my RT leg when I opened the door- lost a leg full of blood hobbled to the Doc surg where it was bandaged and they phoned Chris who came down walking to the surg with Rosemary, was sent to emergency 12 ks distant back in 90 mins at 7 30  made a cuppa then watched the pommy chase on TV until 9-30 PM when Rosemary went to the toilet and I came to this PC  to check lotto  then on returning to the loungeroom Rosemary had Gone,  There is a Helicopter search and police search now underway.


Anonymous said…
Oh dear, you are having a trial of a time. I am sure your wife will soon be found. Good luck.
I am so sorry. I hoped when I saw that you had posted that she had been found.
I will be thinking of you, and sending lots of positive wishes your way.
Granny Annie said…
Oh my goodness, I read the "found" post before I saw this post. How horrible that must have been for both of you.
Edward Jones said…
Hello Les. What is the latest news edward j
Jane, Stokes-Honourr said…
Hi uncle les. So very sorry to hear of all the troubles. So awful for you all. Please look after yourself and hope rosemary is going to be okay
Lots of love always xxxxx
Vest said…
All is well Rosemary found well except for a host of insect bites and scratches. Thank you all for calling.

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